Last week the GDS creative team hosted a cross-government drop-in session for people who want help with making films.
About 40 people showed up over the course of the afternoon - a great turnout for early summer holidays. We’d split the room up into sections, so there was an area for talking about equipment, shooting and editing, another area for talking about social media distribution, another for talking about scripts and interviews, and so on.
Attendees included people from:
- Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
- Department of Health
- Department for Work and Pensions
- Department for Communities and Local Government
- Department for Transport
- HM Revenue & Customs
- Foreign & Commonwealth Office
- HM Treasury
- Home Office
- Ministry of Justice
- Parliament
- Food Standards Agency
- The National Archives
- Civil Service Learning
- Cabinet Office
- National Audit Office
- Companies House
- Environment Agency
- Public Health England
- Crown Commercial Service
The questions and experience levels showed quite a range, but it was great to be able to share what we’ve learnt in the last couple of years, to learn a few things ourselves, and to see everyone’s enthusiasm.
Of course one afternoon of chat will never be enough - so to continue the discussion, we have now set up the government filmmakers mailing list. If you work in government and you want to talk about making films, feel free to subscribe.
Comment by Kenneth Liu posted on
Unfortunately I couldn't make the last one but it sounds like it went well. Will you be planning another?
Comment by Georgina Goode posted on
Hi Kenneth
Yes - we hope to run future events however we don't have a date set for the next one as yet. The best thing to do is join the Google Group (linked to from this post) to stay updated on any future sessions.
Many Thanks