What we mean when we say "Show the Thing"

We love a good catchphrase at GDS (such as "Look Sideways" and "the unit of delivery is the team"). "Show the Thing" is one of the oldest ones. It started out as a slide in a presentation. It became a …
We love a good catchphrase at GDS (such as "Look Sideways" and "the unit of delivery is the team"). "Show the Thing" is one of the oldest ones. It started out as a slide in a presentation. It became a …
At GDS we write blog posts to talk about our work. We encourage everyone who works here to write them. It’s part of our drive to make things open. But not everyone feels comfortable writing blog posts. Or feels confident …
Could you describe what your team does in a single Tweet? Recently, I asked all the Technology Group teams to do just that, and the results were terrific. Compressing your thoughts and ideas into 140 characters takes quite some consideration. …
Last week I spoke at GovBlogCamp, an event for government bloggers. I was the first speaker of the day, and my aim was simple enough: I just wanted to inspire people to be more adventurous with their blogging. To blog …
We made three films for Sprint 16, and one of them was this one that gives a broad overview of what the Government Data Programme is for. Writing the script and working out how to animate it took a long …