How to make blog posts accessible

Everything we write, design or build within government should be accessible for everyone. This includes blog posts.
Everything we write, design or build within government should be accessible for everyone. This includes blog posts.
Hi, I’m Marged Cother and I’m Head of Social Media and Digital Engagement here at GDS. Joining me is my partner in crime on this topic, Jo Goodwin, the Head of Social Media at the Office for National Statistics. In …
Over the last few months, we’ve been doing themed weeks on social media. We started with a week on agile, then user research and service design. This week was all about accessibility. For each one, we’ve done a live Periscope …
What is accessibility? How do you make digital services accessible? How do you scale accessibility across government? Alistair Duggin (@dugboticus), Head of Accessibility at GDS answered your questions live on Periscope. Interviewer: Hello, internet. We are broadcasting on Periscope from …